molecular hydrogen (30 tablets)


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Other Ingredients: Malic Acid, Dextrose, Tartaric Acid, Adipic Acid.

Produces 12ppm of Molecular Hydrogen per serving

Molecular Hydrogen is the smallest molecule that exists, and serves as a powerful antioxidant within the body. Due to its minuscule size, it crosses cellular barriers and absorbs easily throughout the body. Hydrogen immediately provides balance in the body by neutralizing free radical damage and oxidative stress. By achieving this at the cellular level, the body maintains homeostasis and slows premature ageing.

Molecular Hydrogen may help with the following:

  • Neutralises harmful effects of free radicals
  • Reduces oxidative stress
  • May improve athletic recovery

Dissolve one tablet in 350 - 500ml of room temperature water. Drink immediately.

Best taken 30 minutes apart from food and on an empty stomach.

Do not swallow the tablet directly. *

PRO-TIP:  Take 2 servings of Molecular Hydrogen and 1-2 servings of Cymbiotika’s Mineral Shilajit daily for overall longevity and improved cellular function.

May repeat up to twice a day. Store: Keep in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.

* To be used as directed by your healthcare provider or physician.

Disclaimer: If you are pregnant, nursing a baby, or have a chronic medical condition such as diabetes, hypertension or heart disease, be sure to consult your doctor or health care practitioner before purchasing or taking any supplement.

Pro-Tip: Take 2 servings of Molecular Hydrogen and 1 - 2 servings of Cymbiotika’s Mineral Shilajit daily for overall longevity and improved cellular function.

To say I have fallen in love with the entire Cymbiotika range is an understatement. Reason being ... as I'm in my 40s and my primary training being a Diploma of Nutrition, I'm very conscious of how important it is to maintain optimum nutritional uptake for preventative measures. I'm not so keen on brain degeneration and other dis-eases that can come about due to toxicity or deficiency. So, I do love to seek out the best quality supplements and enhancers that keep me functioning as healthy as possible. This is where Cymbiotika comes in. Each product is formulated with the highest quality organic and wildcrafted ingredients. The range is brilliant, focusing on key health areas that I love to keep in check. Plus, the products taste delicious. Cymbiotika has become my daily go-to brand for preventative care. Love it!